Wasseraufbereitung und Biomasse

In Kläranlagen und anderen Anlagen zur Aufbereitung von Wasser, in Biomasse-Verstromungsanlagen und -kraftwerken werden hohe Ansprüche an die Verkabelung gestellt. In der eingesetzten Umgebung entstehen unter hohen Temperaturen aggressive Dämpfe und Biogase, Verunreinigungen tun ihr übriges. Die hier verbauten Kabel müssen in besonderem Maße den hohen thermischen, chemischen und mechanischen Belastungen standhalten.

Kabel für kritische Verbindungen

ELTEC liefert Ihnen Kabel mit einer besonderen Eignung für die kritischen Verbindungen in einem Wasser- und Biomassekomplex. Neben einem kompletten Kabelsortiment für Pumpen erhalten Sie passend für Ihr Projekt:

  • Signalkabel
  • Steuerungskabel
  • Kabel für Messtechnik
  • Kabel für die Stromversorgung

Hier finden Sie alle Daten auf einen Klick

Name Leiter Klasse Spannungsklasse CPR max Leitertemperatur Brandreaktion
Wasseraufbereitung und Biomasse
S/FTP Cat7a Cca Rodent resistant
Data transmission cable with individual and collective screen, zero halogen, fire retardant, with rodent protection.
Cu 1 Cca 70 °C zero halogen fire retardant
JE-H(St)H Cca
Zero halogen Industrial electronic cable with improved fire characteristics for transmission of signals and measurements.
Cu 1 225 V Cca 70 °C flame retardent fire retardant zero halogen
JE-Y(St)Y Bd Eca
Industrial electronic cable for transmission of signals and measurements.
Cu 1 225 V Eca 70 °C flame retardent
Halogen-free and environmentally data transmission cable, control and connecting cable.
Cu 5 250 V Cca 70 °C fire retardant low smoke zero halogen
Halogen-free and environmentally data transmission cable, control and connecting cable.
Cu 5 250 V Cca 70 °C fire retardant low smoke zero halogen
Signal-, control- and measuring cable for transmission of low, sensitive signals and high bit rates.
Cu 2 250 V Eca 70 °C flame retardent
PVC halogen control cable with improved fire characteristics for various applications.
Cu 5 300/500 V Cca 70 °C fire retardant
Screened PVC control cable with improved fire characteristics for various applications.
Cu 5 300/500 V Cca 70 °C fire retardant
Flexible power, process control and instrumentation cable with inner sheath.
Cu 5 0,6/1 kV Eca 70 °C flame retardent
Flexible and screened power, process control and instrumentation cable with inner sheath.
Cu 5 0,6/1 kV Eca 70 °C flame retardent
LIYCY-J Cca, 1 kV
Flexible collectively screened control cable with improved fire characteristics for various applications.
Cu 5 0,6/1 kV Cca 90 °C fire retardant zero halogen
Steel wire-reinforced, universal measurement and control cable.
Cu 5 300/500 V Eca 70 °C flame retardent
Zero halogen control cable with improved fire characteristics for various applications.
Cu 5 300/500 V Cca 70 °C fire retardant low smoke zero halogen
Zero halogen screened control cable with improved fire characteristics for various applications.
Cu 5 300/500 V Cca 70 °C fire retardant low smoke zero halogen
Flexible motor power supply cable for frequency converter.
Cu 5 0,6/1 kV Eca 90 °C flame retardent
2XSL(St)CH-J EMC Cca direct burial
Flexible motor power supply cable with improved fire characteristics for frequency converter.
Cu 5 0,6/1 kV Cca 90 °C fire retardant low smoke zero halogen
Flexible motor power supply cable with improved fire characteristics for frequency converter.
Cu 5 0,6/1 kV Cca 90 °C fire retardant low smoke zero halogen
Flexible zero halogen motor power supply cable with improved fire characteristics for frequency converter.
Cu 5 0,6/1 kV Cca 90 °C fire retardant
Li-2XY(CuB)CY-J Cca
Flexible motor power supply cable with improved fire characteristics for frequency converter.
Cu 5 0,6/1 kV Cca 90 °C fire retardant
XV flex
Flexible single core power cable with improved fire characteristics for fixed installations.
Cu 5 0,6/1 kV Cca 90 °C fire retardant
NBN Power cable with reinforced sheath for domestic or industrial application.
Cu 1, 2 0,6/1 kV Eca 90 °C flame retardent
NBN Armoured power cable with improved fire characteristics for domestic or industrial application.
Cu 1, 2 0,6/1 kV Cca 90 °C fire retardant
NBN Armoured signalling and control cable with improved fire characteristics.
Cu 1 0,6/1 kV Cca 90 °C fire retardant
NBN Armoured signalling and control cable with improved fire characteristics
Cu 1, 2 0,6/1 kV Cca 90 °C fire retardant
NBN Power cable with aluminium conductor.
Alu 1, 2 0,6/1 kV Eca 90 °C flame retardent
NBN Zero halogen installation cable with improved fire characteristics for various industrial and domestic applications.
Cu 1, 2 0,6/1 kV Cca 90 °C zero halogen low smoke fire retardant
VDE Power and control cable. For fixed installation indoors and outdoors.
Cu 1, 2 0,6/1 kV Eca 70 °C flame retardent
VDE Power and control cable with concentric copper conductor.
Cu 1 0,6/1 kV Eca 70 °C flame retardent
VDE Power and control cable with concentric copper conductor.
Cu 2 0,6/1 kV Eca 70 °C flame retardent
VDE Power and control cable with aluminium conductor.
Alu 1, 2 0,6/1 kV Eca 70 °C flame retardent
ÖVE Power and control cable with aluminium conductor.
Alu 1, 2 0,6/1 kV Eca 70 °C flame retardent
VDE Power cable with aluminium conductor and concentric copper conductor.
Alu 1, 2 0,6/1 kV Eca 70 °C flame retardent
Zero halogen power cable with copper conductor and improved fire characteristics.
Cu 1, 2 0,6/1 kV Cca, B2ca 90 °C low smoke zero halogen fire retardant
Zero halogen power cable with concentric copper conductor and improved fire characteristics.
Cu 1, 2 0,6/1 kV Cca, B2ca 90 °C zero halogen low smoke fire retardant
N2XH flex
Flexible and halogen-free power and control cable with improved fire characteristics for fixed.
Cu 5 0,6/1 kV B2ca, Cca 90 °C fire retardant low smoke zero halogen
YMVK Cca flex
Flexible single core power cable with improved fire characteristics for fixed installations.
Cu 5 0,6/1 kV Eca 90 °C flame retardent fire retardant
Z10-YMz1Kas Cca-B2ca
NEN Armoured safety signalling and control cable.
Cu 1 0,6/1 kV Cca, B2ca 90 °C zero halogen fire retardant flame retardent
Flexible power and control cable for fixed installations in industrial or domestic environment and public buildings.
Cu 5 0,6/1 kV Eca 90 °C flame retardent
RZ1-K (AS)
Flexible and halogen-free power and control cable with improved fire characteristics for fixed installations in industrial or domestic environment and public buildings.
Cu 5 0,6/1 kV Cca, B2ca 90 °C low smoke zero halogen fire retardant
Zero halogen aluminium power cable with improved fire characteristics for fixed installation.
Alu 2 0,6/1 kV B2ca, Cca 90 °C low smoke zero halogen fire retardant
Armoured, zero halogen installation cable with improved fire characteristics for domestic and industrial application.
Cu 5 0,6/1 kV Cca 90 °C low smoke zero halogen fire retardant
U1000 R2V
NFC Power, control and installation cable for domestic or industrial application.
Cu 1, 2 0,6/1 kV Eca 90 °C flame retardent
BS Armoured, zero halogen power cable with improved fire characteristics.
Cu 2 0,6/1 kV 90 °C fire retardant low smoke zero halogen
BS Armoured, zero halogen power cable with improved fire characteristics.
Cu 2 0,6/1 kV 90 °C low smoke zero halogen fire retardant
EXeCVB IEC 60332-3-24
NBN Medium voltage cable with improved fire characteristics for power stations, industrial applications and distribution networks
Cu 2 8,7/15 kV 90 °C fire retardant
NBN Medium voltage cable with reduced insulation thickness for power stations, industrial applications and distribution networks
Alu 2 8,7/15 kV 90 °C
NBN medium voltage cable with reduced insulation thickness for power stations, industrial applications and distribution networks.
Alu 2 8,7/15 kV 90 °C
VDE Medium voltage cable for power stations, industrial applications and distribution networks.
Cu 2 6/10 kV, 12/20 kV or 18/30 kV 90 °C flame retardent
VDE Medium voltage cable for power stations, industrial applications and distribution networks.
Cu 2 6/10 kV, 12/20 kV or 18/30 kV 90 °C
VDE Medium voltage cable for power stations, industrial applications and distribution networks.
Alu 2 6/10 kV, 12/20 kV or 18/30 kV 90 °C
VDE Medium voltage cable for power stations, industrial applications and distribution networks.
Cu 2 6/10 kV 90 °C flame retardent
VDE Armoured medium voltage cable for power stations, industrial applications and distribution networks.
Cu 2 3,6/6 kV 70 °C flame retardent
VDE Armoured medium voltage cable for power stations, industrial applications and distribution networks.
Alu 2 3,6/6 kV 70 °C flame retardent
RG26H1M16 Cca 105°C
Halogen-free medium voltage cable with improved fire characteristics for power stations, industrial applications and distribution networks.
Cu 2 Cca 105 °C low smoke zero halogen fire retardant
2XS(F)H B2ca
Halogen-free medium voltage cable with improved fire characteristics for power stations, industrial applications and distribution networks.
Cu 2 B2ca 90 °C low smoke zero halogen fire retardant
NBN Halogen-free medium voltage cable with improved fire characteristics. May be used as power supply cable in public networks and industrial plants.
Cu 2 8,7/15 kV B2ca 90 °C low smoke zero halogen fire retardant
RE-2Y(St)Y-fl Cca pairs
For transmission of analogue and digital signals in instrument and control systems.
Cu 2 500 V Cca 70 °C flame retardent fire retardant
RE-2Y(St)YSWAY-fl Cca PiMF
For transmission of analogue and digital signals in instrument and control systems.
Cu 2 500 V Cca 70 °C flame retardent fire retardant
RE-2Y(St)YSWAY-fl Cca pairs
For transmission of analogue and digital signals in instrument and control systems.
Cu 2 500 V Cca 70 °C fire retardant flame retardent
NF M 87 – 202 EGFA
Instrumentation cables with double steel tape armoring are used for the transmission of AC or DC analogue signals in the papermaking, chemical and petrochemical industries.
Cu 2 500 V 90 °C flame retardent fire retardant
NF M 87 – 202 EIFA
Instrumentation cables with double steel tape armoring are used for the transmission of AC or DC analogue signals in the papermaking, chemical and petrochemical industries.
Cu 2 500 V 90 °C flame retardent fire retardant
NF M 87 – 202 EGSF
Instrumentation cables are used for the transmission of AC or DC analogue signals in the papermaking, chemical and petrochemical industries.
Cu 2 500 V 90 °C flame retardent fire retardant
NF M 87 – 202 EISF
Instrumentation cables for the transmission of AC or DC analogue signals in the papermaking, chemical and petrochemical industries.
Cu 2 500 V 90 °C flame retardent fire retardant
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